Open to candidates intending to conduct research in any of the physical or biological sciences, in mathematics, in applied science, or in any branch of engineering*. The ultimate objective is to contribute to the knowledge base required for a healthy and innovative national culture. Around eight awards are made each year.
*Engineers proposing research which addresses the primary infrastructure needs of modern society should apply for a Brunel Fellowship.
Do you have 3 years or less post-doctoral research experience and want to conduct innovative research of your own instigation?
Fellowships are held from 1 October in the year of award for a period of typically 3 years, and offers cannot be deferred to a later year.
Please note that the Ramsay Memorial Fellowships have been absorbed into the 1851 Research Fellowships. The best chemist selected to hold an 1851 Research Fellowship will also be known as the Ramsay Memorial Fellow. There is no separate application form and our standard eligibility criteria applies.
Enhancing Connection Ductility for the Safe Design of Timber Structures
University of Cambridge
Switchable Supramolecular Hosts Capable of Bio-Inspired Recognition and Communication
King's College London
Tracking geochemical changes in organic fossils through time
Imperial College London
Matching Bounds in Dynamical Large Deviations
Imperial College London
Decoding cellular communication with focused systems genetics
University of Cambridge
Integrating across timescales for a dynamic perspective on avian migration
University of Liverpool
Simulating Galaxies and Supermassive Black Holes in the Multi-Messenger Era
University of Hertfordshire
Into the Void: a new architecture for next-generation semiconductor devices
University of Glasgow
CyPeMs: New Modalities for Targeting AMR and NDD
Newcastle University