Developing a platform for healthcare professionals to prevent suicide, self-harm, and violence in care

Safehinge Primera
Glasgow Caledonian University

From 2010-2020, there were 18,403 deaths by suicide among patients in contact with mental health services. Self-harm is a significant concern, with over 166,000 incidents reported in NHS England and English prisons in 2023 alone. In this context, professional staff are tasked with the difficult job of regularly monitoring the wellbeing of patients whilst maintaining their own safety. Obtaining enough up-to-date information to correctly identify if someone is at risk is difficult for staff, as they have a limited amount of time with each patient. Additionally, patients may not be aware or choose not to disclose if they are distressed.

Colm aims to utilise new digital tools to improve the methods to collect and understand information to improve the care of those at risk. With his research he plans to find a combination of advanced computer-based tools designed to be respectful off people’s rights and privacy to obtain information in a safe, fair and respectful manner.

The implementation of these ethical data science technologies is hoped to significantly reduce the number of mental health-related suicides and adverse events in healthcare settings whilst simultaneously improving the work environment of healthcare professionals dedicated to others’ care.


Colm’s interest in technology to enhance healthcare blossomed during his GDip in Psychology. Having spent years on the frontlines of mental healthcare he decided to return to university to study Neuroscience and AI. Following his education he secured a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) with Safehinge Primera and Glasgow Caledonian University and has since been leading the design and development of a digital safety-aid for mental health wards. With his PhD Colm hopes to further explore the intersection of industry and academia and develop tools that can accurately model mental health outcomes.