Four new Technical Teaching Fellowships awarded

The Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 together with the Education Teaching Foundation have awarded four new Techinical Teaching Fellowships.

Fellowships are awarded to outstanding practitioners who are recognised for their high impact teaching practice and the delivery of effective outcomes for learners. The 2020/2021 Technical Teaching Fellows are:

  • Dr Lynda Broomhead (Petroc College)
  • Chris Fairclough (Lakes College, National College for Nuclear)
  • Shell Fearn (North Hertfordshire College)
  • Nicholas Hart (Sheffield College)

Each Fellow is expected to share their expertise and learning across the sector as part of the award with an aim of supporting quality improvement in technical teaching and learning.

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"These fellowships will help raise standards of teaching in Further Education and thus inspire the next generation of British innovators who will develop the emerging technologies that are transforming the world economy"